Live Every Moment in Joy
"Joy" is not simply a word. It's actually a pure stream of sound, a positive emotion that flows in the Universe at all times. Riding the pure stream of Joy enables you to ride, experience and learn the wave of love, one component of which all things in the Universe are created. Joy is a specific emotion that vibrates at a rate which is 100,000 times higher than fear. Joy is an emotion which creates 'fusion'.
Joy is special.
Reader Reviews
"I just started to read Change is Natural. I'm 51 pages in and I already feel different! Such powerful information! I sat and did the Stillness State Exercise and felt a huge energetic shift."
"I was drawn to this location and I did not know why. I trusted that feeling and it made for one the most unforgettable shifts in my life."
Is about living every moment in joy

"What a joy to come across this treasure of a book ( II ). I see you, Jas, had written an encouraging note in the front when I had wandered north across the river from downtown to discover what you were resonating on about :) in 2013, and now 10 years later and clearing out the Okotoks home, and headed to continue life in Norway and sharing your book with a dear friend as we both raise young adult kids, I am filled with joy from all the pencil underlinings and yellow stickies with little written notes that I marked as I absorbed your writings. So a hello and I hope you are well and I want to let you know another generation beyond ours will get to hear you."