DIVINITY Sacred Wisdom Generator
DIVINITY Sacred Wisdom Generator
Third Eye
Throat Chakra
This Sacred Wisdom Generator opens up both the throat and third eye chakras. This is very good for people who have had many emotional hurts throughout their lives.
This Sacred Wisdom Generator helps people find the word they need to say. It assists people who speak in public to say what they know to be true. This Sacred Wisdom Generator offers assistance so that a person may speak with eloquence and clarity. It also helps them to receive messages of clarity and truth.
It dissolves the harsh judgmental voice inside of them that tells thel). that they are not going to succeed. It brings one into an elevated truth about themselves, and being in that truth, there is no reason to beat yourself down with that judgmental voice. So in the end you are not speaking another's judgment about yourself, but your own truth.
Being around this Sacred Wisdom Generator brings about a certain vibration that people can feel. You may feel this in your head, temples, throat and collar bone. If the pressure is too great, move the Sacred Wisdom Generator away from you.
It is a good Sacred Wisdom Generator for raising self esteem as it is not reinforcing a wounded ego. It is unconditional love for yourself.
It is good for emotional healing from adversity, divorce, loss of job or feeling beaten down because, it helps an individual to go out into the world feeling more confident.
After the Sacred Wisdom Generator has helped to resolve emotional controversies, an individual will begin to have an active heart. They become the authentic teacher by being able to offer this wisdom to the world as they have become a master.
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